To increase the welfare and develop the potential of Indonesian community in Monash University Malaysia

– Our Vision –

we're recruiting!

The time has finally come, PPI Monash Malaysia is RECRUITING! This is a perfect chance for you to gain an organization experience with an amazing team. There are a lot of positions available, so come and join us to be part of PPI Monash Malaysia!

Happening now!


PPKM is a Blind Date Night! This is a chance for you to find relationship partner for those of you who are single! Open to all Indonesian students in Malaysia with limited slot! Register yourself now!


Welcoming Party 2023 , POCARI : POTLUCK CARI LARI

On March 4th 2023, PPI Monash Malaysia - Eunoia hosted a welcoming party called "POCARI: Potluck Cari Lari" to welcome the first semester of 2023. During the event, participants were divided into groups to compete in solving riddles around Monash University Malaysia. There was also a potluck picnic, where participants could get to know one another while enjoying the food provided.

Running Monashians : Get Lost in Sunway

At 8th of June 2022. PPI Monash Malaysia - Eunoia held an event called "Running Monashians" that aimed to strengthen the bond between Indonesian students in Monash Malaysia in a fun way. During the event, the participants were splitted into a couple of teams with different challenges that required them to travel around Sunway Area.


Eutalk adalah podcast persembahan dari PPI Monash Eunoia karena kami pengen banget sharing tentang kehidupan disini, dan kasih tips and tricks A to Z cara ngirit, cara  survive, dan masih banyak lagi yang semoga bisa membantu teman teman semua. 

Exchange Undercovered: Australia

Halo para Eutalkers👋 Disini ada yang pengen exchange ke Aussie ga nih? 🤔 Nah, bisa banget dengerin podcast "Exchange Uncovered : Australia" buat yang penasaran.👌 Di sini, kita bakal kupas tuntas semuanya tentang exchange ke Aussie 😉 . Yuk dengerin‼️

Halloween in December

Hello para Eutalkers👋 Siapa nih disini yang suka segala sesuatu yang berbau mistis dan horor?👻👀 Yuk denger cerita pengalaman horor dari temen-temen kita, bisa juga untuk menemani kalian menutup tahun 2022 ini!✨ Happy listening and Happy New Year semua🥳

get connected!

PPI Monash Malaysia regularly held events throughout the year with a lot of Indonesian Monash students . We also accommodate many social media platform to help you get connected to other Indonesian students.


No, according to the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, no more quarantine orders are being imposed, and foreigners are also allowed to enter regardles

You should bring these documents:

  • Original Passport
  • Bank Account Opening Form
  • A Copy of Your Offer Letter
  • A Copy of Your Visa Approval Letter

Student Verification Letter (request here)

For accomodation details located around the Monash campus, we can provide some recommendations below:

Nadayu28 Residences
Luxe +60123713609
EinsteinHouz/SIJC +60163629339
Hostelogy +60146660234

Sunway Geo Residence
Property Guru

Sunway House Waterfront Residence

Sunway House Waterfront Residence

Other various accommodations

Do click the link below for our guide to accomodations!

Although the cost may vary for each people, there is a benchmark that you can follow based on the average price.

  • Accommodation:  RM 1.100
  • Monthly Expense: RM 1.000
  • Transportation: RM 150
  • Total: RM 2.350

Yes, you can be an intern within the duration of your course

If you want to work in Malaysia after your study, you should find an employer willing to sponsor your work visa permit so you can work legally in the country.

Yes, it should. However, to further clarify your policy, access your account through Micare Portal

PPI Monash Malaysia